Research Equipment List
Customer Service Sharing equipment and meterials Research Equipment List
Basic Information
- Classification
- 전기/전자 측정장비분석기(Analyzer)로직 분석기
- Korean equipment name
- 전력전자소자 측정시스템
- English equipment name
- Control number
- D63-2004-165-002
- Model number
- TPS2024
- Origin
- 미국
- Producer
- Tectronix Inc.
- Production year
- 2004
- Calibration
- 교정불요
- Standard
- Possession quantity
- 1 (단위:식(set))
- Introduction day
- 20040809
- Introduction price
- 12,289,098.00 원
- Operating Department
- 전력계통연구소
- Manager
- 이성두
- Contact
- 042-865-5855
- purpose of use/Principle and characteristics
- 전력특성분석
- Key configuration and performance